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Community Association Law

Earnshaw & Shearer provides comprehensive legal representation for community associations in all areas affecting the existence and operation of the association. These areas include transition from developer control; covenant enforcement; assessment collection; litigation, mediation and arbitration; contract negotiation; and amendment, preservation or revitalization of the association’s governing documents.  We can also help associations recover damages caused by construction defects. Earnshaw & Shearer also provides representation to association clients in general corporate, commercial, insurance and governmental matters. 


Attorneys Jay Shearer and Jeff Earnshaw have represented hundreds of associations. They use that experience to provide efficient and cost effective representation for community association clients.


Earnshaw & Shearer places a high priority on providing counsel to our clients in finding permanent solutions to their problems (which aren’t always found in the courtroom).  Of course, we provide aggressive representation when litigation is advisable or unavoidable.

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Learning Center by Clicking Here.

Some of the areas that we can advise and represent Condominium and Homeowners Associations include:

Collection of assessments

Construction defects against contractors and developers

Contract review and negotiations

Covenant enforcement

Defense of mortgage foreclosure actions

Drafting amendments to governing documents

Drafting rules and regulations

Drafting notices and limited proxies for meetings

General legal counsel for Associations

Landlord/Tenant Issues

Legal opinions regarding board action or interpretation of governing documents, statutes, and regulations

Representation at Administrative Hearings

Stormwater Management issues

Transition/Turnover from developer control


Ready to Schedule a Consultation? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

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